Our Crystal Collection
AFRICAN BLOODSTONE - African Bloodstone also known as Seftonite. Great stone for healing of any kind. May help with muscle aches, blood flow, circulation, blood pressure, trauma, emotions, pain, and helps with personal power.
AGATE, BOTSWANA - Botswana Agate is in the Chalcedony family and comes in pink, cream, and grey colors. This Agate has connections with the Sacral Chakra, with its zodiac resonance being Gemini and Scorpio. A calming energy which makes it great when dealing with loneliness, grief or loss. It will bring comfort for people that get hurt easily, because it encourages you to find solutions to your own problems. Botswana Agate can help with balance and provide you with inner stability, especially when everything feels like its falling apart. An excellent stone for both physical and mental ailments, as it promotes treatment of causes rather than just symptoms.
AGATE, CRAZY LACE - Crazy Lace Agate called the "laughter stone" coming in a variety of colors. The healing properties of this Agate may help with self-esteem, emotional pain, brings joy, low energy, negative vibes, brings laughter, and will help you combat the fear of crawling insects. Crazy Lace Agate resonates with the throat and third eye Chakra and the zodiac sign of Aquarius with its element being Earth.
AGATE, FLOWER - Flower Agate fills our energy with passion when pursuing our dreams. May also assist with manifesting, fears, self-doubt, peace, relaxation and staying in the present moment.
AGATE, GRAPE - The name of this gemstone, comes from the way these tiny spheres are shaped and formed in bunches, similar to grapes. This purple tone is a soft warming color that will help with your meditation practice, intuition and dreams. May also assist with stability, maturity and self confidence. Grape Agate works with Third eye, crown, and etheric chakra. This stone is wonderful to work with for activating psychic abilities, mental clarity, intuition, lucid dreaming, meditation, trust, truth, astral travel, confidence, stability and for dreaming.
AGATE, MOSS - The properties of Moss Agate resonate with earth energy, nature and natural processes and resonates with the heart chakra. It may help heal emotions, over active minds, balance, comfort stability.
AMAZONITE - Amazonite is a feldspar with bluish-green coloring, known as the Amazon stone. Amazonite resonates with the Heart Chakra and carries a receptive energy. Some of its energetic offerings may help with physical ailments, emotional issues, chakra balancing, stress, traumas, the aura, heart, nerves, and resonates with the Throat Chakra for communication. Great for soothing muscles, shoulder tension, thyroid support, and sore throats. Amazonite has connections with the water element and its Zodiac sign is Virgo.
AMBER, ZEBRA - Zebra Amber is a visually stimulating stone that is super light and very unique. Is said to assist with balancing emotions, dissolving negativity, clearing the mind, good luck, fears, and helps with patients and wisdom.
AMETHYST - Amethyst is a very popular and powerful stone with ancient history of use. Amethyst may assist you in happiness, calming fear, emotional storms, courage, love, peace, addiction, dreams, helps with insomnia and nightmares, and considered the "stone of peace".
AMETHYST, CHEVRON - Chevron Amethyst is formed where veins of white quartz and amethyst have formed together in the rock. This stone tends to combine the enhancing and purifying qualities of quartz with the stress relieving qualities of amethyst and the strengthening qualities of both stones. Wonderful healing properties, include, purifying, stress relieving, self discovery, peace of mind, relaxation, the immune system and cleansing of your aura.
AMETHYST, PINK - Pink Amethyst is a rare and natural species of Amethyst found in Argentina. This is a high frequency crystal that resonates with the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakra. Energetic properties connect us to divine love with the ability to assist in opening the heart and offer healing around grief, depression, anxiety, understanding, trust and much more.
AMETRINE - Ametrine is a quartz based crystal in which Amethyst and Citrine have formed within the same crystal structure. This stone works with the Crown, Third Eye, Solar Plexus, and Sacral chakras. Ametrine is a great healer that may help with psychic blocks, abundance, positivity, wisdom, enhances overall wellbeing and releases negative energies.
ANGELITE - Angelite also called Anhydrite is a mineral that has the healing power of peacefulness. Its healing properties may help with communication, higher awareness, telepathy, unblocking of all chakras, weight control, speaking your truth, cooling to burns and helps connect you to the angels. Angelite is a soft mineral and should be treated with care when polishing.
APACHE TEAR - A favorite in Native American jewelry, these rounded nuggets of obsidian are sometimes referred to as "Apache tears." According to Apache legend, the stones bring good luck and the person who possesses an Apache tear drop will never have to cry again for the Apache women have shed tears in their place. Similarly, metaphysical properties suggest the stone is one of protection, grounding and healing of grief.
APATITE - Apatite comes in a variety of colors and is the main component in the human tooth enamel, making it useful in strengthening the structure of teeth and bones. The healing functions of this crystal include communication, having a flexible attitude, encourages awareness, helps you create structure, and to assist you with energy. Apatite is associated works with the Throat Chakra and resonates with the Moon and Uranus.
AQUAMARINE - Aquamarine is the "stone of the Sea Goddess" with its element being water. The properties include strengthening psychic powers, cleansing, purification, soothing and calming of emotions, peace, joy and happiness. This is a protective stone especially while traveling over water. In healing it may assist with toothaches, and worn as a charm to ensure good health. Aquamarine works with the Third Eye, Throat, and Heart Chakra and is a receptive stone with its planet being the Moon.
ARAGONITE - Aragonite forms as long interwoven 6 sided prisms which all grow from a common center point; which gives the clusters a distinctive look and the nickname "sputniks". Use these crystals in situations where you need stabilization and grounding. It has the ability to draw energy downward and connecting us with the earth. May assist with strength, support, stress, balance, and integration of spiritual development. Works with the Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakras.
AVENTURINE, BLUE - Blue Aventurine comes to you with the energy to assist you with inner strength, taking full responsibility for your life, support with change and with decision making. It resonates with The Third Eye and Throat Chakra, to aid with, psychic abilities, communication, and speaking from the heart. It is also a calming stone that is said to help with sleep, addictions, and may ease anxiety and calm emotion.
AVENTURINE, GREEN - Green Aventurine is the stone of luck and money and makes a powerful good luck charm while gambling. It is a potent healer as it works with the Heart Chakra for emotional pain, as well as supporting the heart, lungs, eyesight and the adrenal system.
BLACK FAN KYANITE - Legend says the blade of Archangel Michael's sword was made of Kyanite. Slice through negative emotions and toxic ties with the power of Black Kyanite. It is said to protect your energy field from energy vampires (people who seem to always drain your energy), relationships or people who feast on your positive vibrations but offer nothing in return. Cut cords from any negative attachments with this crystal in hand.
BLACK OBSIDIAN - Obsidian is a naturally created glass. It is formed form volcanic lava which cooled too quickly for significant crystallization to occur. Black Obsidian is a stone that will assist you in staying grounded, assist unbalanced energy, stimulate your intuition, divination, and to keep your energy clean and protected. Black Obsidian works with the energies of the Root and Earth Chakra.
BLACK ONYX - Black onyx enhances steadfastness, determination, and is a potent stone for grounding. Black Onyx offers you a great way to help keep on task and balanced within your life.
BLACK TOURMALINE - Black Tourmaline resonates with the Earth energy, making this a powerful grounding tool. A top stone for protection as it will absorb the negative energy on you or in your environment. Black Tourmaline is a receptive stone with association with the planet Saturn.
BLOODSTONE - Bloodstone is a wonderful healing stone resonating with the Heart, Sacral and Root Chakra. It may offer its healing energy in regards to blood purification, detoxification, as well as offering support to the immune and circulatory system. It is a grounding stone that helps cleans and align the lower chakras. Emotionally it works to help support and balance the Heart Chakra.
BLOODSTONE, AFRICAN - African Bloodstone also known as Seftonite. Great stone for healing of any kind. May help with muscle aches, blood flow, circulation, blood pressure, trauma, emotions, pain, and helps with personal power.
BLUE AVENTURINE - Blue Aventurine comes to you with the energy to assist you with inner strength, taking full responsibility for your life, support with change and with decision making. It resonates with The Third Eye and Throat Chakra, to aid with, psychic abilities, communication, and speaking from the heart. It is also a calming stone that is said to help with sleep, addictions, and may ease anxiety and calm emotion.
BLUE GOLDSTONE - Blue Goldstone is one of the few synthetic stones used in energy work and magic. Blue Goldstone is a good deflector of unwanted energies, and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral. In crystal healing it is used as a nervous system stimulant and enhances transmission of healing energies from the hands, therefore it is applicable to long-distance healing.
BLUE KYANITE - A beautiful crystalline formation with a unique, baby-blue coloring, Kyanite is among the few crystals that are known for never needing to be purified or cleansed of negative energy. Kyanite helps speed things along, aids in communication, balance of whole being, blocked emotions, tranquility, and great for meditation and release. These a great mix of shards and slivers, each piece with its own natural unique colors, sizes shapes, perfections and imperfections.
BLUE LACE AGATE - The soft calming color blue of Blue Lace Agate is really part of its healing benefit. Great stone to carry with you in social situations as it has a calming effect on anxiety. This stone can assist us in bringing us back to our natural state of joy with its gentle ability to ease the pain and confusion of everyday life. Works with the Throat Chakra and may assist with shoulder tension, thyroid, and sore throats.
BLUE QUARTZ (DUMORTIERITE) - Dumortierite is a stone of the mind and of confidence. It is a stone whose energies tap into and strengthen the bearer’s mental acuity and memory - especially in those areas related to Math and Language. By sharpening focus and acuity this stone can help strip self doubt and heighten the bearer’s ability to stand up for themselves. Comes in a wide variety of colors from red/brown - violet/blue - dark blue with the dark blue the most common.
BLUE TIGER'S EYE - Tiger’s Eye is a popular stone for grounding., protection & energy shifting. Use it to help shed excess energies and find balance within and without, especially when you are going through difficult phases of life, or are seeking to help make a new transition as smooth as possible. Use this balance to help ease doubt and provide clarity and vision when you are making tough decisions.
BUMBLE BEE JASPER - Bumble Bee Jasper is a combination of different matters including volcanic. Know for its lovely coloring resembling bubble bees coloring. A great stone to activate the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra, helping with change, new opportunities, self esteem, digestion, nervous system and circulatory issues.
CALCITE, ORANGE - Orange Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. It is said to help enhance your gifts, increase positive energy, dispel negative energy, helps with old patterns or ways of thinking, change, and help you welcome the new ways.
CALCITE, RED - Calcite gemstone are believed to help you let go of the past, and move into the future. Also believed to assist with emotional healing, stimulate flow of energy, as well as release blockage from creativity, combat laziness and help to increase vitality. Each gemstone, has their own unique colors patterns, beauty and faults.
CARNELIAN - Carnelian is a great cleansing stone that works with the Sacral and Root Chakra. It is a powerful supporter of the female reproductive organs, as well as eliminating toxins from the body and increasing metabolism. It is a great grounding stone that helps with focus, study, creativity, and memory.
CHALCEDONY - This gemstone is thought by many to be lucky for Cancer signs and a protective stone for Sagittarius. Many people believe in the healing and cleansing properties of the stone that include the absorption and dissipation of negative energy so that it does not transfer to other people. This is likely why chalcedony is also thought to align the body, mind and spirit. In chakra practices, chalcedony is believed to be the stone of communication and is often placed by the pharynx to stimulate the throat chakra.
CHAROITE - Charoite will pull you in with its amazing shades of purple swirling throughout each piece. Charoite will bring balance to any disrupted energies and soothes tense emotions. May help you accept change, understanding, and encourages harmony on deep levels.
CHEVRON AMETHYST - Chevron Amethyst is formed where veins of white quartz and amethyst have formed together in the rock. This stone tends to combine the enhancing and purifying qualities of quartz with the stress relieving qualities of amethyst and the strengthening qualities of both stones. Wonderful healing properties, include, purifying, stress relieving, self discovery, peace of mind, relaxation, the immune system and cleansing of your aura.
CHYRSOCOLLA - Chrysocolla is a stone of communication devoted to expression, speech, empowerment and teaching. The serenity of its turquoise color calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. while the copper based mineral inclusions channel negative and self doubting energies away. Often kept in a pocket or used as a focus on altars dedicated to empowerment and learning.
CITRINE - Citrine is like the sun when it comes to new beginnings! Known as the stone of abundance and wealth. A wonderful positive energy for magical and healing work. Citrine is the manifesting stone that may also help you with study and learning, good for relationships, and new beginnings.
CLEAR QUARTZ - Tumbled quartz, a stone highly valued for its spiritual and energetic qualities, known for being able to absorb and store energy. Open yourself up to source and divine wisdom with this Quartz. Quartz is a master healer that will work on any condition, as well as amplifying and powering your intentions.
CREAM MOONSTONE - Moonstone is a beautiful stone that embodies the feminine energy. May help with balance, harmony, hope, creativity, compassion, endurance, inner confidence, and to help strengthen intuition and psychic skills.
DALMATIAN JASPER - Dalmatian stone is a powerful stone of Alchemy and therefore a useful tool for change and encouraging investigation and truth seeking. Made primarily of feldspar and quartz it is a powerful energy conductor which can also store and channel the energy from your rituals, spells and meditations efficiently. The spots come from iron oxide and tourmaline primarily but it also contains spots made up of minerals local to the area where the stone was mined making each stone a completely unique tool. The energy of Dalmatian stone is slow and powerful like the cycles of the Earth and is best used for long term work.
DRAGON BLOOD JASPER - Dragon Blood Jasper offers an intense healing energy. Dragon Blood Stone is thought to promote patience and stimulate perception and personal power. It is believed to "dissolve" sadness or sorrow, self-pity, grief, and is thought to dispel critical tendencies and closed-mindedness.
DUMORTIERITE - Dumortierite is a stone of the mind and of confidence. It is a stone whose energies tap into and strengthen the bearer’s mental acuity and memory - especially in those areas related to Math and Language. By sharpening focus and acuity this stone can help strip self doubt and heighten the bearer’s ability to stand up for themselves. Comes in a wide variety of colors from red/brown - violet/blue - dark blue with the dark blue the most common.
EMERALD - Emerald was mined in Egypt 4,000 years ago and is still prized today for its beauty and healing abilities. Emerald may reveal truth, encourages honesty, enhance intuition, strengthen love, cleansing, purifying, helps with hidden fears, and will help with focus making it a great stone to meditate with.
EPIDOTE - Epidote, is believed to have energies to aid you to have courage, to let go of what is holding you back from living life's dreams. It has strong vibrations aiding you to attune to spirit, and enhance your awareness for various aspects of oneself, aiding to make change for your higher self. Natural gemstones, have their own unique beauty, colors, patterns, qualities and faults
FANCY JASPER - Fancy Jasper is a tumbled stone, also referred to as Rainbow Jasper or Multi Colored Jasper, it is believed to bring wholeness and healing to your situation or environment. This is an overall balancer of energies giving you strength, courage, creativity, determination and putting ideas into action.
FLUORITE, RAINBOW - Fluorite is a mineral that comes in many colors, most commonly green, purple, blue and yellow, with many wonderful properties. Fluorite may assist you with bone health, organ function, dexterity, balance, self-worth, new ideas and inspiration.
GARNET - Garnet energy is resonant with the Third Eye, Heart and Root Chakra. A great stone for stimulating metabolism and regeneration to the lower body, especially around fertility and sexual disorders. May also assist with awareness and past life recollection.
GOLDEN HEALER - This crystal lives up to its name! Golden Healer Quartz is swirled with this amazing golden colors, these are created by the iron oxide trapped inside, so each piece is beautifully unique. Golden Healer Quartz will send a healing energy of golden Chi through your crown and clear any blocks in its path through your body. It has an ability to raise your vibration or the vibration of any grid or crystal set up. This amazing Quartz may also assist with releasing old behaviors, patterns, and programming.
GOLDSTONE, BLUE - Blue Goldstone is one of the few synthetic stones used in energy work and magic. Blue Goldstone is a good deflector of unwanted energies, and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral. In crystal healing it is used as a nervous system stimulant and enhances transmission of healing energies from the hands, therefore it is applicable to long-distance healing.
GOLDSTONE, RED - Red Goldstone is one of the few synthetic stones used in energy work and magic. It's red color comes from copper crystal structures in the stone which makes it an excellent transmitter of energy. The unique crystalline glass that encases the copper acts as an insulator protecting the energy being channeled or focused from outside forces. Red Goldstone may help with ambition, courage, a positive attitude, stomach issues, and arthritis.
GREEN AVENTURINE - Green Aventurine is the stone of luck and money and makes a powerful good luck charm while gambling. It is a potent healer as it works with the Heart Chakra for emotional pain, as well as supporting the heart, lungs, eyesight and the adrenal system.
GREEN QUARTZ - Working with the Heart Chakra, Green Quartz has a healing effect when worn or carried. Use Green Quartz to help transmute negative energies into positive ones. Green Quartz is also known to attract prosperity and success and to stimulate one’s creativity. Carrying Green Quartz will help to activate the Heart Chakra, and impart a sense of wholeness to the owner. Working with Green Quartz can promote cooperation and tactful honesty, and as such, can be a wonderful addition to any home or office environment. Meditating with Green Quartz can bring truthful desires up from the depths of the heart to be examined for their usefulness, and either assimilated or expelled.
HEMATITE - Hematite is highly prized for its ability to help ground energy, protect, and balance flows of energy. It is effective in pain relief, focus, mental clarity, concentration and makes a great blood cleaner.
HEMATITE, MAGNETIC - These magnetic tumbled Hematite stones have been magnetized, leaving them attracted to metal (and each other!) with the tenacity of a strong refrigerator magnet. Magnetic Hematite will regulate blood flow in the body, relieve headaches, anemia and is great for cramps, spine issues and broken bones.
HOWLITE - White Howlite tumbled stone is a calming stone, decreases an overactive mind and can assist with meditation. Howlite prepares the mind to receive insight and wisdom and heighten creativity.
JASPER, BUMBLE BEE - Bumble Bee Jasper is a combination of different matters including volcanic. Know for its lovely coloring resembling bubble bees coloring. A great stone to activate the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra, helping with change, new opportunities, self esteem, digestion, nervous system and circulatory issues.
JASPER, DALMATIAN - Dalmatian stone is a powerful stone of Alchemy and therefore a useful tool for change and encouraging investigation and truth seeking. Made primarily of feldspar and quartz it is a powerful energy conductor which can also store and channel the energy from your rituals, spells and meditations efficiently. The spots come from iron oxide and tourmaline primarily but it also contains spots made up of minerals local to the area where the stone was mined making each stone a completely unique tool. The energy of Dalmatian stone is slow and powerful like the cycles of the Earth and is best used for long term work.
JASPER, DRAGON BLOOD - Dragon Blood Jasper offers an intense healing energy. Dragon Blood Stone is thought to promote patience and stimulate perception and personal power. It is believed to "dissolve" sadness or sorrow, self-pity, grief, and is thought to dispel critical tendencies and closed-mindedness.
JASPER, FANCY - Fancy Jasper is a tumbled stone, also referred to as Rainbow Jasper or Multi Colored Jasper, it is believed to bring wholeness and healing to your situation or environment. This is an overall balancer of energies giving you strength, courage, creativity, determination and putting ideas into action.
JASPER, RED - Red Jasper is known to be a powerful stone of protection, courage and wisdom.
JET - Jet is a powerful protecting stone that may assist with warding off evil, negativity, psychic attacks, depression as it will absorb negative energies.
KYANITE, BLUE - A beautiful crystalline formation with a unique, baby-blue coloring, Kyanite is among the few crystals that are known for never needing to be purified or cleansed of negative energy. Kyanite helps speed things along, aids in communication, balance of whole being, blocked emotions, tranquility, and great for meditation and release. These a great mix of shards and slivers, each piece with its own natural unique colors, sizes shapes, perfections and imperfections.
LABRADORITE - Labradorite named after a region in Canada where it was found. With its amazing iridescence caused by light bouncing off the inclusions is not only beautiful, the reflection acts as a shield for your Aura. Labradorite helps bring inspiration, boost intuition, stabilizes the aura and enhances the energy flow between the chakras & aura. Great for the eyes, digestion, also aids in anxiety and stress.
LAPIS LAZULI - Lapis Lazuli dates back over 5,000 years ago where it was prized in ancient Egypt. Lapis may assist you in truth, balance, wisdom, disorganization, immune system, promotes courage, throat chakra, communication, and clarity of the mind.
LAVA - Lava or Basalt as it is often called is the result of an ancient volcanic eruption where fire from deep in the earth was thrust up through rock and earth to be hurled through the air and gently weathered by the rain over millennia. Because of the nature of this stone’s birth it is uniquely connected to all the elements and be of a great aid in creating balance and grounding.
LEPIDOLITE - Lepidolite is known as one of the best mood stabilizers because it contains a high amount of lithium, which aids in anxiety. May also help with balance of the mind and spirit, energy blocks, true happiness, balance, harmony, and finding your true purpose in life.
MAGNETIC HEMATITE - These magnetic tumbled Hematite stones have been magnetized, leaving them attracted to metal (and each other!) with the tenacity of a strong refrigerator magnet. Magnetic Hematite will regulate blood flow in the body, relieve headaches, anemia and is great for cramps, spine issues and broken bones.
MALACHITE, GREEN - Malachite will assist you with your heart, expanding your ability to love and drawing love to you, power, protection, love, peace, and business success
MALACHITE, RED - Red Malachite also known as red banded Jasper is the stone of inner peace and boundary protection. When held it has the ability to put a protective shield around your aura. Great for protection from physical harm, connecting to mother earth, clarity, and service. - CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE
MOONSTONE, CREAM - Moonstone is a beautiful stone that embodies the feminine energy. May help with balance, harmony, hope, creativity, compassion, endurance, inner confidence, and to help strengthen intuition and psychic skills.
MOONSTONE, RAINBOW - Rainbow Moonstone is a beautiful stone that embodies the feminine energy. May help with balance, harmony, hope, creativity, compassion, endurance, inner confidence, and to help strengthen intuition and psychic skills.
MOSS AGATE - The properties of Moss Agate resonate with earth energy, nature and natural processes and resonates with the heart chakra. It may help heal emotions, over active minds, balance, comfort stability.
NEPHRITE JADE - Nephrite Jade is the stone of fidelity, working with the heart chakra especially around balancing of the masculine and feminine energies. It is a protective stone that helps dysfunctional relationships, transmutes negative energy into positive and promotes confidence
NUUMMITE - Nuummite has gained a reputation in metaphysical circles as the stone of sorcery. It is considered to be an extremely protective stone to the wearer as it reverses any ill wishes, hexes, curses and negative energies directed at them. It is also a very powerful aid to personal spiritual growth, accelerating psychic development, luck, clairvoyance, intuition, finding one's true self, and will help release trapped energies in the subconscious. - CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE
OBSIDIAN, BLACK - Obsidian is a naturally created glass. It is formed form volcanic lava which cooled too quickly for significant crystallization to occur. Black Obsidian is a stone that will assist you in staying grounded, assist unbalanced energy, stimulate your intuition, divination, and to keep your energy clean and protected. Black Obsidian works with the energies of the Root and Earth Chakra.
OBSIDIAN, BLUE - This is a synthetic Blue obsidian and great for color therapy. Beautiful soothing color will stimulate the throat chakra so one may express themselves clearly.
OBSIDIAN, SNOWFLAKE - Obsidian is a naturally created glass. It is formed form volcanic lava which cooled too quickly for significant crystallization to occur. Snowflake Obsidian brings peace of mind and helps the stomach, sinuses, veins, bones and eyesight. Great for meditation, behavior problems, loneliness, blocks psychic attacks, and absorbs negative energy.
ONYX, BLACK - Black onyx enhances steadfastness, determination, and is a potent stone for grounding. Black Onyx offers you a great way to help keep on task and balanced within your life.
OPALITE - Opalite is a delicate clear or milky iridescent glass that makes a wonderful color therapy piece. Opalite is highly energetic and will assist you during all kinds of transitions, gives strength to verbalize feelings, can help make a business successful, stabilizes moods, fatigue and can enhance sexual experiences. When placed on the Crown Chakra in meditation is said to enhance psychic abilities and induce visions.
ORANGE CALCITE - Orange Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. It is said to help enhance your gifts, increase positive energy, dispel negative energy, helps with old patterns or ways of thinking, change, and help you welcome the new ways.
ORANGE SELENITE - Orange Selenite connects us to the Earth & Moon energies, cleansing the sacral. Great for creativity, self-esteem & helps with electromagnetic pollution.
PETRIFIED WOOD - Petrified Wood is an extremely grounding and protecting stone. It is said to calm the nerves and fears and to encourage feelings of well-being, safety and security. It is a good stone for meditation and for helping you to distinguish between what is important and what is not, enabling you to stop worrying about the small stuff.
PINK AMETHYST - The frequency of Pink Amethyst connects to the heart, third eye and crown chakras stimulating these chakras so that one is open to the love and guidance from one’s soul. Via the heart chakra this crystal helps one to view one’s life’s experiences from the higher perspective of one’s soul and thus allowing one to act with a strong sense of divine love. The soft but powerful energy of this beautiful pink crystal opens and stimulates the crown chakra so that one is able to act upon the ‘little prompts’ that via intuition are a soul perspective which allows one to be guided by one’s soul in all areas of one’s life and experiences. This helps one to live one’s life as a soul-infused personality radiating divine love and aiding one to become non-judgmental and accepting of others for who they really are.
PINK TOURMALINE - Known for emotional and spiritual healing. A thymus or heart based stone. Pink Tourmaline promotes joy, happiness, and love. Known to help emotions and moods, the passion of living.
PYRITE - Feel very protected, as Pyrite has long been valued as a strong protective stone that shields the wearer from negative energy and environmental pollution. Pyrite enhances strength of the mind and will power with its masculine energy. Often used to attract abundance and prosperity in your life.
QUARTZ, BLUE (DUMORTIERITE) - Dumortierite is a stone of the mind and of confidence. It is a stone whose energies tap into and strengthen the bearer’s mental acuity and memory - especially in those areas related to Math and Language. By sharpening focus and acuity this stone can help strip self doubt and heighten the bearer’s ability to stand up for themselves. Comes in a wide variety of colors from red/brown - violet/blue - dark blue with the dark blue the most common.
QUARTZ, CLEAR - Tumbled quartz, a stone highly valued for its spiritual and energetic qualities, known for being able to absorb and store energy. Open yourself up to source and divine wisdom with this Quartz. Quartz is a master healer that will work on any condition, as well as amplifying and powering your intentions.
QUARTZ, ROSE - Rose Quartz is a gentle and warm stone that is of great use in love spells. Rose Quartz is like a bubble bath for your emotions. Many wonderful healing properties in this Quartz, including, love, forgiveness, phobias, fears, unconditional love, and guilt.
QUARTZ, SMOKY - Appearing as though smoke were captured in stone, Smokey Quartz is a beautiful crystal that offers a wonderful calming energy to those who need it. Smokey Quartz focuses on cleaning the human consciousness, detoxifying, fear, depression, negativity, and will bring calm.
RAINBOW FLUORITE - Fluorite is a mineral that comes in many colors with many wonderful properties. Fluorite may assist you with bone health, organ function, dexterity, balance, self-worth, new ideas and inspiration.
RAINBOW MOONSTONE - Rainbow Moonstone is a beautiful stone that embodies the feminine energy. May help with balance, harmony, hope, creativity, compassion, endurance, inner confidence, and to help strengthen intuition and psychic skills.
RED CALCITE - Calcite gemstone are believed to help you let go of the past, and move into the future. Also believed to assist with emotional healing, stimulate flow of energy, as well as release blockage from creativity, combat laziness and help to increase vitality. Each gemstone, has their own unique colors patterns, beauty and faults.
RED GOLDSTONE - Red Goldstone is one of the few synthetic stones used in energy work and magic. It's red color comes from copper crystal structures in the stone which makes it an excellent transmitter of energy. The unique crystalline glass that encases the copper acts as an insulator protecting the energy being channeled or focused from outside forces. Red Goldstone may help with ambition, courage, a positive attitude, stomach issues, and arthritis.
RED JASPER - Red Jasper is known to be a powerful stone of protection, courage and wisdom.
RED MALACHITE - Red Malachite also known as red banded Jasper is the stone of inner peace and boundary protection. When held it has the ability to put a protective shield around your aura. Great for protection from physical harm, connecting to mother earth, clarity, and service.
RED TIGER'S EYE - Red Tiger Eye is a stimulating stone helping support motivation, and a more active sex drive. It is also great for confidence, lethargy, vitality, passion, and will work with balancing the lower chakras.
RHODOCHROSITE - Rhodochrosite the stone of the compassionate heart. Assisting you in bringing love, compassion, true joy, healing old wounds, and unconditional love to self and others. Good for depression and self worth.
RHODONITE - Rhodonite is the rescue stone as its a powerful heart chakra healer! Rhodonite may also assist you with memory, arthritis, light sensitivity, throat infections, stress and mental unrest, forgiveness, compassion, fears, and anger.
ROSE QUARTZ - Rose Quartz is a gentle and warm stone that is of great use in love spells. Rose Quartz is like a bubble bath for your emotions. Many wonderful healing properties in this Quartz, including, love, forgiveness, phobias, fears, unconditional love, and guilt.
RUBY FUCHSITE - Ruby Fuchsite will help to clear any blockage of the Heart Chakra and fill the void with positive, loving energies. Ruby Fuchsite helps one to maintain an awareness of individuality, while also completely connecting with humanity as a whole. Use Ruby Fuchsite for transforming destructive, negative energies into positive, helpful ones. The combination of Ruby and Fuchsite helps to open and enhance psychic awareness. Laying with Ruby Fuchsite on the Third-Eye can awaken latent psychic abilities by opening up the Heart Chakra to receive information from the Third-Eye Chakra. Use Ruby Fuchsite when working with any healing modality as this stone will help to amplify the body's energy field.
RUBY HEXAGON - Chunky Rough Ruby Hexagon shape, believed to lend strength, vitality, nobility, help reduce lust, and increase sexual energy. Come in different hexagonal shape sizes, with natural flaws, blemishes, and imperfections. Many pieces include a triangle record keeper.
SELENITE, ORANGE - Orange Selenite connects us to the Earth & Moon energies, cleansing the sacral. Great for creativity, self-esteem & helps with electromagnetic pollution.
SELENITE, WHITE - selenite is sure to connect you with your upper chakras. Selenite may assist with protection, good luck, and it can clean, clear and open all chakras. Selenite can be placed next to other crystals and stones where it will amplify and purify the stones placed near it.
SERPENTINE - Serpentine makes an exceptional meditation stone as it enhances your spiritual exploration. It helps you to find inner peace. Serpentine may help calm and stabilize the mind, wisdom retrieval, memory of past lives, clearing all chakras, anxiety, fears, open up psychic abilities, and will help calm a restless mind. It is an earthing stone which opens up new pathways for Kundalini energy. This a great piece to pull out in your time of need
SHIVA LINGAM - Shiva Lingam tumbles stones, this powerful stone possesses a wonderfully positive vibration and energy that brings a state of purification and cleansing to those who use it. Shiva works to intensify vitality and prana through the body. Overall improves health and assist with unification of the masculine and feminine energies as one.
SHUNGITE - Shungite is said to be the "miracle stone" or "the stone of life", known for its incredible healing and protection properties, boost immune system, balancing mind and emotions, and activates the healing process within the body.
SMOKY QUARTZ - Appearing as though smoke were captured in stone, Smokey Quartz is a beautiful crystal that offers a wonderful calming energy to those who need it. Smokey Quartz focuses on cleaning the human consciousness, detoxifying, fear, depression, negativity, and will bring calm.
SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN - Obsidian is a naturally created glass. It is formed form volcanic lava which cooled too quickly for significant crystallization to occur. Snowflake Obsidian brings peace of mind and helps the stomach, sinuses, veins, bones and eyesight. Great for meditation, behavior problems, loneliness, blocks psychic attacks, and absorbs negative energy.
SODALITE - Sometimes mistaken for Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite is deep blue with beautiful veins that appear like captured lightning. Sodalite helps with high blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia, autism, good for ideas, endurance, communication, stabilizes emotions, clarifies perception and is great for meditation.
STRAWBERRY QUARTZ - Strawberry Quartz carries all the vibrations of Clear Quartz, with the additional attributes of universal love, understanding of purpose, and seizing the day. Strawberry Quartz has the ability to amplify intentions of love, gratitude and generosity, and can radiate those vibrations outward. Carrying Strawberry Quartz can be soothing and calming for someone who works in a fast-paced environment. Strawberry Quartz assists in bringing balance to the psyche, the emotions, and the subtle energy bodies. An important tool for new initiates on the spiritual path, Strawberry Quartz can help one to gain insights into one's persona and inspiration regarding how to improve on it. Strawberry Quartz is a great facilitator of gaining hidden knowledge.
SUNSTONE - Natural Sunstone seems to reflect the golden dazzle of the morning sun and is often used as a ritual or meditative focus for Sun or Fire energy. Sunstone helps you embody warmth, strength, and vitality. These are excellent stones to enhance creativity, heal the sacral chakra, leadership qualities, increase self worth and confidence, stimulating self-healing powers. Keep your chakras clear, cleansed, and joyful.
SUPER 7 - Super 7 consists of seven different powerful stones found together, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, goethite, lepidocrocite, rutile's . Many great benefits packed into these stones. consist of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile's.
TIGER'S EYE, BLUE - Tiger’s Eye is a popular stone for grounding., protection & energy shifting. Use it to help shed excess energies and find balance within and without, especially when you are going through difficult phases of life, or are seeking to help make a new transition as smooth as possible. Use this balance to help ease doubt and provide clarity and vision when you are making tough decisions.
TIGER'S EYE, RED - Red Tiger Eye is a stimulating stone helping support motivation, and a more active sex drive. It is also great for confidence, lethargy, vitality, passion, and will work with balancing the lower chakras.
TIGER'S EYE, YELLOW - Tiger Eye is within the Quartz family. The light reflects off the fibers in this stone giving it an appearance that its moving or changing. Tiger Eye may assist in new beginnings, intuition, fears, worries, depression and negativity, wealth, strength, and courage.
TOURMALINE, BLACK - Black Tourmaline resonates with the Earth energy, making this a powerful grounding tool. A top stone for protection as it will absorb the negative energy on you or in your environment. Black Tourmaline is a receptive stone with association with the planet Saturn.
TOURMALINE, PINK - Known for emotional and spiritual healing. A thymus or heart based stone. Pink Tourmaline promotes joy, happiness, and love. Known to help emotions and moods, the passion of living.
UNAKITE - Unakite is composed of a mixture of Pink Feldspars, Green Epidote, and Quartz, making this a multipurpose stone. Unakite helps resolve conflict, loosens constrictions, balancing, aches and pains, self-worth issues, emotional blocks, focus on the present, and great for pregnancy and fertility.
WHITE SELENITE - selenite is sure to connect you with your upper chakras. Selenite may assist with protection, good luck, and it can clean, clear and open all chakras. Selenite can be placed next to other crystals and stones where it will amplify and purify the stones placed near it.
YELLOW TIGER'S EYE - Tiger Eye is within the Quartz family. The light reflects off the fibers in this stone giving it an appearance that its moving or changing. Tiger Eye may assist in new beginnings, intuition, fears, worries, depression and negativity, wealth, strength, and courage.
ZEBRA AMBER - Zebra Amber is a visually stimulating stone that is super light and very unique. Is said to assist with balancing emotions, dissolving negativity, clearing the mind, good luck, fears, and helps with patients and wisdom.
AGATE, BOTSWANA - Botswana Agate is in the Chalcedony family and comes in pink, cream, and grey colors. This Agate has connections with the Sacral Chakra, with its zodiac resonance being Gemini and Scorpio. A calming energy which makes it great when dealing with loneliness, grief or loss. It will bring comfort for people that get hurt easily, because it encourages you to find solutions to your own problems. Botswana Agate can help with balance and provide you with inner stability, especially when everything feels like its falling apart. An excellent stone for both physical and mental ailments, as it promotes treatment of causes rather than just symptoms.
AGATE, CRAZY LACE - Crazy Lace Agate called the "laughter stone" coming in a variety of colors. The healing properties of this Agate may help with self-esteem, emotional pain, brings joy, low energy, negative vibes, brings laughter, and will help you combat the fear of crawling insects. Crazy Lace Agate resonates with the throat and third eye Chakra and the zodiac sign of Aquarius with its element being Earth.
AGATE, FLOWER - Flower Agate fills our energy with passion when pursuing our dreams. May also assist with manifesting, fears, self-doubt, peace, relaxation and staying in the present moment.
AGATE, GRAPE - The name of this gemstone, comes from the way these tiny spheres are shaped and formed in bunches, similar to grapes. This purple tone is a soft warming color that will help with your meditation practice, intuition and dreams. May also assist with stability, maturity and self confidence. Grape Agate works with Third eye, crown, and etheric chakra. This stone is wonderful to work with for activating psychic abilities, mental clarity, intuition, lucid dreaming, meditation, trust, truth, astral travel, confidence, stability and for dreaming.
AGATE, MOSS - The properties of Moss Agate resonate with earth energy, nature and natural processes and resonates with the heart chakra. It may help heal emotions, over active minds, balance, comfort stability.
AMAZONITE - Amazonite is a feldspar with bluish-green coloring, known as the Amazon stone. Amazonite resonates with the Heart Chakra and carries a receptive energy. Some of its energetic offerings may help with physical ailments, emotional issues, chakra balancing, stress, traumas, the aura, heart, nerves, and resonates with the Throat Chakra for communication. Great for soothing muscles, shoulder tension, thyroid support, and sore throats. Amazonite has connections with the water element and its Zodiac sign is Virgo.
AMBER, ZEBRA - Zebra Amber is a visually stimulating stone that is super light and very unique. Is said to assist with balancing emotions, dissolving negativity, clearing the mind, good luck, fears, and helps with patients and wisdom.
AMETHYST - Amethyst is a very popular and powerful stone with ancient history of use. Amethyst may assist you in happiness, calming fear, emotional storms, courage, love, peace, addiction, dreams, helps with insomnia and nightmares, and considered the "stone of peace".
AMETHYST, CHEVRON - Chevron Amethyst is formed where veins of white quartz and amethyst have formed together in the rock. This stone tends to combine the enhancing and purifying qualities of quartz with the stress relieving qualities of amethyst and the strengthening qualities of both stones. Wonderful healing properties, include, purifying, stress relieving, self discovery, peace of mind, relaxation, the immune system and cleansing of your aura.
AMETHYST, PINK - Pink Amethyst is a rare and natural species of Amethyst found in Argentina. This is a high frequency crystal that resonates with the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakra. Energetic properties connect us to divine love with the ability to assist in opening the heart and offer healing around grief, depression, anxiety, understanding, trust and much more.
AMETRINE - Ametrine is a quartz based crystal in which Amethyst and Citrine have formed within the same crystal structure. This stone works with the Crown, Third Eye, Solar Plexus, and Sacral chakras. Ametrine is a great healer that may help with psychic blocks, abundance, positivity, wisdom, enhances overall wellbeing and releases negative energies.
ANGELITE - Angelite also called Anhydrite is a mineral that has the healing power of peacefulness. Its healing properties may help with communication, higher awareness, telepathy, unblocking of all chakras, weight control, speaking your truth, cooling to burns and helps connect you to the angels. Angelite is a soft mineral and should be treated with care when polishing.
APACHE TEAR - A favorite in Native American jewelry, these rounded nuggets of obsidian are sometimes referred to as "Apache tears." According to Apache legend, the stones bring good luck and the person who possesses an Apache tear drop will never have to cry again for the Apache women have shed tears in their place. Similarly, metaphysical properties suggest the stone is one of protection, grounding and healing of grief.
APATITE - Apatite comes in a variety of colors and is the main component in the human tooth enamel, making it useful in strengthening the structure of teeth and bones. The healing functions of this crystal include communication, having a flexible attitude, encourages awareness, helps you create structure, and to assist you with energy. Apatite is associated works with the Throat Chakra and resonates with the Moon and Uranus.
AQUAMARINE - Aquamarine is the "stone of the Sea Goddess" with its element being water. The properties include strengthening psychic powers, cleansing, purification, soothing and calming of emotions, peace, joy and happiness. This is a protective stone especially while traveling over water. In healing it may assist with toothaches, and worn as a charm to ensure good health. Aquamarine works with the Third Eye, Throat, and Heart Chakra and is a receptive stone with its planet being the Moon.
ARAGONITE - Aragonite forms as long interwoven 6 sided prisms which all grow from a common center point; which gives the clusters a distinctive look and the nickname "sputniks". Use these crystals in situations where you need stabilization and grounding. It has the ability to draw energy downward and connecting us with the earth. May assist with strength, support, stress, balance, and integration of spiritual development. Works with the Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakras.
AVENTURINE, BLUE - Blue Aventurine comes to you with the energy to assist you with inner strength, taking full responsibility for your life, support with change and with decision making. It resonates with The Third Eye and Throat Chakra, to aid with, psychic abilities, communication, and speaking from the heart. It is also a calming stone that is said to help with sleep, addictions, and may ease anxiety and calm emotion.
AVENTURINE, GREEN - Green Aventurine is the stone of luck and money and makes a powerful good luck charm while gambling. It is a potent healer as it works with the Heart Chakra for emotional pain, as well as supporting the heart, lungs, eyesight and the adrenal system.
BLACK FAN KYANITE - Legend says the blade of Archangel Michael's sword was made of Kyanite. Slice through negative emotions and toxic ties with the power of Black Kyanite. It is said to protect your energy field from energy vampires (people who seem to always drain your energy), relationships or people who feast on your positive vibrations but offer nothing in return. Cut cords from any negative attachments with this crystal in hand.
BLACK OBSIDIAN - Obsidian is a naturally created glass. It is formed form volcanic lava which cooled too quickly for significant crystallization to occur. Black Obsidian is a stone that will assist you in staying grounded, assist unbalanced energy, stimulate your intuition, divination, and to keep your energy clean and protected. Black Obsidian works with the energies of the Root and Earth Chakra.
BLACK ONYX - Black onyx enhances steadfastness, determination, and is a potent stone for grounding. Black Onyx offers you a great way to help keep on task and balanced within your life.
BLACK TOURMALINE - Black Tourmaline resonates with the Earth energy, making this a powerful grounding tool. A top stone for protection as it will absorb the negative energy on you or in your environment. Black Tourmaline is a receptive stone with association with the planet Saturn.
BLOODSTONE - Bloodstone is a wonderful healing stone resonating with the Heart, Sacral and Root Chakra. It may offer its healing energy in regards to blood purification, detoxification, as well as offering support to the immune and circulatory system. It is a grounding stone that helps cleans and align the lower chakras. Emotionally it works to help support and balance the Heart Chakra.
BLOODSTONE, AFRICAN - African Bloodstone also known as Seftonite. Great stone for healing of any kind. May help with muscle aches, blood flow, circulation, blood pressure, trauma, emotions, pain, and helps with personal power.
BLUE AVENTURINE - Blue Aventurine comes to you with the energy to assist you with inner strength, taking full responsibility for your life, support with change and with decision making. It resonates with The Third Eye and Throat Chakra, to aid with, psychic abilities, communication, and speaking from the heart. It is also a calming stone that is said to help with sleep, addictions, and may ease anxiety and calm emotion.
BLUE GOLDSTONE - Blue Goldstone is one of the few synthetic stones used in energy work and magic. Blue Goldstone is a good deflector of unwanted energies, and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral. In crystal healing it is used as a nervous system stimulant and enhances transmission of healing energies from the hands, therefore it is applicable to long-distance healing.
BLUE KYANITE - A beautiful crystalline formation with a unique, baby-blue coloring, Kyanite is among the few crystals that are known for never needing to be purified or cleansed of negative energy. Kyanite helps speed things along, aids in communication, balance of whole being, blocked emotions, tranquility, and great for meditation and release. These a great mix of shards and slivers, each piece with its own natural unique colors, sizes shapes, perfections and imperfections.
BLUE LACE AGATE - The soft calming color blue of Blue Lace Agate is really part of its healing benefit. Great stone to carry with you in social situations as it has a calming effect on anxiety. This stone can assist us in bringing us back to our natural state of joy with its gentle ability to ease the pain and confusion of everyday life. Works with the Throat Chakra and may assist with shoulder tension, thyroid, and sore throats.
BLUE QUARTZ (DUMORTIERITE) - Dumortierite is a stone of the mind and of confidence. It is a stone whose energies tap into and strengthen the bearer’s mental acuity and memory - especially in those areas related to Math and Language. By sharpening focus and acuity this stone can help strip self doubt and heighten the bearer’s ability to stand up for themselves. Comes in a wide variety of colors from red/brown - violet/blue - dark blue with the dark blue the most common.
BLUE TIGER'S EYE - Tiger’s Eye is a popular stone for grounding., protection & energy shifting. Use it to help shed excess energies and find balance within and without, especially when you are going through difficult phases of life, or are seeking to help make a new transition as smooth as possible. Use this balance to help ease doubt and provide clarity and vision when you are making tough decisions.
BUMBLE BEE JASPER - Bumble Bee Jasper is a combination of different matters including volcanic. Know for its lovely coloring resembling bubble bees coloring. A great stone to activate the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra, helping with change, new opportunities, self esteem, digestion, nervous system and circulatory issues.
CALCITE, ORANGE - Orange Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. It is said to help enhance your gifts, increase positive energy, dispel negative energy, helps with old patterns or ways of thinking, change, and help you welcome the new ways.
CALCITE, RED - Calcite gemstone are believed to help you let go of the past, and move into the future. Also believed to assist with emotional healing, stimulate flow of energy, as well as release blockage from creativity, combat laziness and help to increase vitality. Each gemstone, has their own unique colors patterns, beauty and faults.
CARNELIAN - Carnelian is a great cleansing stone that works with the Sacral and Root Chakra. It is a powerful supporter of the female reproductive organs, as well as eliminating toxins from the body and increasing metabolism. It is a great grounding stone that helps with focus, study, creativity, and memory.
CHALCEDONY - This gemstone is thought by many to be lucky for Cancer signs and a protective stone for Sagittarius. Many people believe in the healing and cleansing properties of the stone that include the absorption and dissipation of negative energy so that it does not transfer to other people. This is likely why chalcedony is also thought to align the body, mind and spirit. In chakra practices, chalcedony is believed to be the stone of communication and is often placed by the pharynx to stimulate the throat chakra.
CHAROITE - Charoite will pull you in with its amazing shades of purple swirling throughout each piece. Charoite will bring balance to any disrupted energies and soothes tense emotions. May help you accept change, understanding, and encourages harmony on deep levels.
CHEVRON AMETHYST - Chevron Amethyst is formed where veins of white quartz and amethyst have formed together in the rock. This stone tends to combine the enhancing and purifying qualities of quartz with the stress relieving qualities of amethyst and the strengthening qualities of both stones. Wonderful healing properties, include, purifying, stress relieving, self discovery, peace of mind, relaxation, the immune system and cleansing of your aura.
CHYRSOCOLLA - Chrysocolla is a stone of communication devoted to expression, speech, empowerment and teaching. The serenity of its turquoise color calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. while the copper based mineral inclusions channel negative and self doubting energies away. Often kept in a pocket or used as a focus on altars dedicated to empowerment and learning.
CITRINE - Citrine is like the sun when it comes to new beginnings! Known as the stone of abundance and wealth. A wonderful positive energy for magical and healing work. Citrine is the manifesting stone that may also help you with study and learning, good for relationships, and new beginnings.
CLEAR QUARTZ - Tumbled quartz, a stone highly valued for its spiritual and energetic qualities, known for being able to absorb and store energy. Open yourself up to source and divine wisdom with this Quartz. Quartz is a master healer that will work on any condition, as well as amplifying and powering your intentions.
CREAM MOONSTONE - Moonstone is a beautiful stone that embodies the feminine energy. May help with balance, harmony, hope, creativity, compassion, endurance, inner confidence, and to help strengthen intuition and psychic skills.
DALMATIAN JASPER - Dalmatian stone is a powerful stone of Alchemy and therefore a useful tool for change and encouraging investigation and truth seeking. Made primarily of feldspar and quartz it is a powerful energy conductor which can also store and channel the energy from your rituals, spells and meditations efficiently. The spots come from iron oxide and tourmaline primarily but it also contains spots made up of minerals local to the area where the stone was mined making each stone a completely unique tool. The energy of Dalmatian stone is slow and powerful like the cycles of the Earth and is best used for long term work.
DRAGON BLOOD JASPER - Dragon Blood Jasper offers an intense healing energy. Dragon Blood Stone is thought to promote patience and stimulate perception and personal power. It is believed to "dissolve" sadness or sorrow, self-pity, grief, and is thought to dispel critical tendencies and closed-mindedness.
DUMORTIERITE - Dumortierite is a stone of the mind and of confidence. It is a stone whose energies tap into and strengthen the bearer’s mental acuity and memory - especially in those areas related to Math and Language. By sharpening focus and acuity this stone can help strip self doubt and heighten the bearer’s ability to stand up for themselves. Comes in a wide variety of colors from red/brown - violet/blue - dark blue with the dark blue the most common.
EMERALD - Emerald was mined in Egypt 4,000 years ago and is still prized today for its beauty and healing abilities. Emerald may reveal truth, encourages honesty, enhance intuition, strengthen love, cleansing, purifying, helps with hidden fears, and will help with focus making it a great stone to meditate with.
EPIDOTE - Epidote, is believed to have energies to aid you to have courage, to let go of what is holding you back from living life's dreams. It has strong vibrations aiding you to attune to spirit, and enhance your awareness for various aspects of oneself, aiding to make change for your higher self. Natural gemstones, have their own unique beauty, colors, patterns, qualities and faults
FANCY JASPER - Fancy Jasper is a tumbled stone, also referred to as Rainbow Jasper or Multi Colored Jasper, it is believed to bring wholeness and healing to your situation or environment. This is an overall balancer of energies giving you strength, courage, creativity, determination and putting ideas into action.
FLUORITE, RAINBOW - Fluorite is a mineral that comes in many colors, most commonly green, purple, blue and yellow, with many wonderful properties. Fluorite may assist you with bone health, organ function, dexterity, balance, self-worth, new ideas and inspiration.
GARNET - Garnet energy is resonant with the Third Eye, Heart and Root Chakra. A great stone for stimulating metabolism and regeneration to the lower body, especially around fertility and sexual disorders. May also assist with awareness and past life recollection.
GOLDEN HEALER - This crystal lives up to its name! Golden Healer Quartz is swirled with this amazing golden colors, these are created by the iron oxide trapped inside, so each piece is beautifully unique. Golden Healer Quartz will send a healing energy of golden Chi through your crown and clear any blocks in its path through your body. It has an ability to raise your vibration or the vibration of any grid or crystal set up. This amazing Quartz may also assist with releasing old behaviors, patterns, and programming.
GOLDSTONE, BLUE - Blue Goldstone is one of the few synthetic stones used in energy work and magic. Blue Goldstone is a good deflector of unwanted energies, and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral. In crystal healing it is used as a nervous system stimulant and enhances transmission of healing energies from the hands, therefore it is applicable to long-distance healing.
GOLDSTONE, RED - Red Goldstone is one of the few synthetic stones used in energy work and magic. It's red color comes from copper crystal structures in the stone which makes it an excellent transmitter of energy. The unique crystalline glass that encases the copper acts as an insulator protecting the energy being channeled or focused from outside forces. Red Goldstone may help with ambition, courage, a positive attitude, stomach issues, and arthritis.
GREEN AVENTURINE - Green Aventurine is the stone of luck and money and makes a powerful good luck charm while gambling. It is a potent healer as it works with the Heart Chakra for emotional pain, as well as supporting the heart, lungs, eyesight and the adrenal system.
GREEN QUARTZ - Working with the Heart Chakra, Green Quartz has a healing effect when worn or carried. Use Green Quartz to help transmute negative energies into positive ones. Green Quartz is also known to attract prosperity and success and to stimulate one’s creativity. Carrying Green Quartz will help to activate the Heart Chakra, and impart a sense of wholeness to the owner. Working with Green Quartz can promote cooperation and tactful honesty, and as such, can be a wonderful addition to any home or office environment. Meditating with Green Quartz can bring truthful desires up from the depths of the heart to be examined for their usefulness, and either assimilated or expelled.
HEMATITE - Hematite is highly prized for its ability to help ground energy, protect, and balance flows of energy. It is effective in pain relief, focus, mental clarity, concentration and makes a great blood cleaner.
HEMATITE, MAGNETIC - These magnetic tumbled Hematite stones have been magnetized, leaving them attracted to metal (and each other!) with the tenacity of a strong refrigerator magnet. Magnetic Hematite will regulate blood flow in the body, relieve headaches, anemia and is great for cramps, spine issues and broken bones.
HOWLITE - White Howlite tumbled stone is a calming stone, decreases an overactive mind and can assist with meditation. Howlite prepares the mind to receive insight and wisdom and heighten creativity.
JASPER, BUMBLE BEE - Bumble Bee Jasper is a combination of different matters including volcanic. Know for its lovely coloring resembling bubble bees coloring. A great stone to activate the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra, helping with change, new opportunities, self esteem, digestion, nervous system and circulatory issues.
JASPER, DALMATIAN - Dalmatian stone is a powerful stone of Alchemy and therefore a useful tool for change and encouraging investigation and truth seeking. Made primarily of feldspar and quartz it is a powerful energy conductor which can also store and channel the energy from your rituals, spells and meditations efficiently. The spots come from iron oxide and tourmaline primarily but it also contains spots made up of minerals local to the area where the stone was mined making each stone a completely unique tool. The energy of Dalmatian stone is slow and powerful like the cycles of the Earth and is best used for long term work.
JASPER, DRAGON BLOOD - Dragon Blood Jasper offers an intense healing energy. Dragon Blood Stone is thought to promote patience and stimulate perception and personal power. It is believed to "dissolve" sadness or sorrow, self-pity, grief, and is thought to dispel critical tendencies and closed-mindedness.
JASPER, FANCY - Fancy Jasper is a tumbled stone, also referred to as Rainbow Jasper or Multi Colored Jasper, it is believed to bring wholeness and healing to your situation or environment. This is an overall balancer of energies giving you strength, courage, creativity, determination and putting ideas into action.
JASPER, RED - Red Jasper is known to be a powerful stone of protection, courage and wisdom.
JET - Jet is a powerful protecting stone that may assist with warding off evil, negativity, psychic attacks, depression as it will absorb negative energies.
KYANITE, BLUE - A beautiful crystalline formation with a unique, baby-blue coloring, Kyanite is among the few crystals that are known for never needing to be purified or cleansed of negative energy. Kyanite helps speed things along, aids in communication, balance of whole being, blocked emotions, tranquility, and great for meditation and release. These a great mix of shards and slivers, each piece with its own natural unique colors, sizes shapes, perfections and imperfections.
LABRADORITE - Labradorite named after a region in Canada where it was found. With its amazing iridescence caused by light bouncing off the inclusions is not only beautiful, the reflection acts as a shield for your Aura. Labradorite helps bring inspiration, boost intuition, stabilizes the aura and enhances the energy flow between the chakras & aura. Great for the eyes, digestion, also aids in anxiety and stress.
LAPIS LAZULI - Lapis Lazuli dates back over 5,000 years ago where it was prized in ancient Egypt. Lapis may assist you in truth, balance, wisdom, disorganization, immune system, promotes courage, throat chakra, communication, and clarity of the mind.
LAVA - Lava or Basalt as it is often called is the result of an ancient volcanic eruption where fire from deep in the earth was thrust up through rock and earth to be hurled through the air and gently weathered by the rain over millennia. Because of the nature of this stone’s birth it is uniquely connected to all the elements and be of a great aid in creating balance and grounding.
LEPIDOLITE - Lepidolite is known as one of the best mood stabilizers because it contains a high amount of lithium, which aids in anxiety. May also help with balance of the mind and spirit, energy blocks, true happiness, balance, harmony, and finding your true purpose in life.
MAGNETIC HEMATITE - These magnetic tumbled Hematite stones have been magnetized, leaving them attracted to metal (and each other!) with the tenacity of a strong refrigerator magnet. Magnetic Hematite will regulate blood flow in the body, relieve headaches, anemia and is great for cramps, spine issues and broken bones.
MALACHITE, GREEN - Malachite will assist you with your heart, expanding your ability to love and drawing love to you, power, protection, love, peace, and business success
MALACHITE, RED - Red Malachite also known as red banded Jasper is the stone of inner peace and boundary protection. When held it has the ability to put a protective shield around your aura. Great for protection from physical harm, connecting to mother earth, clarity, and service. - CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE
MOONSTONE, CREAM - Moonstone is a beautiful stone that embodies the feminine energy. May help with balance, harmony, hope, creativity, compassion, endurance, inner confidence, and to help strengthen intuition and psychic skills.
MOONSTONE, RAINBOW - Rainbow Moonstone is a beautiful stone that embodies the feminine energy. May help with balance, harmony, hope, creativity, compassion, endurance, inner confidence, and to help strengthen intuition and psychic skills.
MOSS AGATE - The properties of Moss Agate resonate with earth energy, nature and natural processes and resonates with the heart chakra. It may help heal emotions, over active minds, balance, comfort stability.
NEPHRITE JADE - Nephrite Jade is the stone of fidelity, working with the heart chakra especially around balancing of the masculine and feminine energies. It is a protective stone that helps dysfunctional relationships, transmutes negative energy into positive and promotes confidence
NUUMMITE - Nuummite has gained a reputation in metaphysical circles as the stone of sorcery. It is considered to be an extremely protective stone to the wearer as it reverses any ill wishes, hexes, curses and negative energies directed at them. It is also a very powerful aid to personal spiritual growth, accelerating psychic development, luck, clairvoyance, intuition, finding one's true self, and will help release trapped energies in the subconscious. - CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE
OBSIDIAN, BLACK - Obsidian is a naturally created glass. It is formed form volcanic lava which cooled too quickly for significant crystallization to occur. Black Obsidian is a stone that will assist you in staying grounded, assist unbalanced energy, stimulate your intuition, divination, and to keep your energy clean and protected. Black Obsidian works with the energies of the Root and Earth Chakra.
OBSIDIAN, BLUE - This is a synthetic Blue obsidian and great for color therapy. Beautiful soothing color will stimulate the throat chakra so one may express themselves clearly.
OBSIDIAN, SNOWFLAKE - Obsidian is a naturally created glass. It is formed form volcanic lava which cooled too quickly for significant crystallization to occur. Snowflake Obsidian brings peace of mind and helps the stomach, sinuses, veins, bones and eyesight. Great for meditation, behavior problems, loneliness, blocks psychic attacks, and absorbs negative energy.
ONYX, BLACK - Black onyx enhances steadfastness, determination, and is a potent stone for grounding. Black Onyx offers you a great way to help keep on task and balanced within your life.
OPALITE - Opalite is a delicate clear or milky iridescent glass that makes a wonderful color therapy piece. Opalite is highly energetic and will assist you during all kinds of transitions, gives strength to verbalize feelings, can help make a business successful, stabilizes moods, fatigue and can enhance sexual experiences. When placed on the Crown Chakra in meditation is said to enhance psychic abilities and induce visions.
ORANGE CALCITE - Orange Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. It is said to help enhance your gifts, increase positive energy, dispel negative energy, helps with old patterns or ways of thinking, change, and help you welcome the new ways.
ORANGE SELENITE - Orange Selenite connects us to the Earth & Moon energies, cleansing the sacral. Great for creativity, self-esteem & helps with electromagnetic pollution.
PETRIFIED WOOD - Petrified Wood is an extremely grounding and protecting stone. It is said to calm the nerves and fears and to encourage feelings of well-being, safety and security. It is a good stone for meditation and for helping you to distinguish between what is important and what is not, enabling you to stop worrying about the small stuff.
PINK AMETHYST - The frequency of Pink Amethyst connects to the heart, third eye and crown chakras stimulating these chakras so that one is open to the love and guidance from one’s soul. Via the heart chakra this crystal helps one to view one’s life’s experiences from the higher perspective of one’s soul and thus allowing one to act with a strong sense of divine love. The soft but powerful energy of this beautiful pink crystal opens and stimulates the crown chakra so that one is able to act upon the ‘little prompts’ that via intuition are a soul perspective which allows one to be guided by one’s soul in all areas of one’s life and experiences. This helps one to live one’s life as a soul-infused personality radiating divine love and aiding one to become non-judgmental and accepting of others for who they really are.
PINK TOURMALINE - Known for emotional and spiritual healing. A thymus or heart based stone. Pink Tourmaline promotes joy, happiness, and love. Known to help emotions and moods, the passion of living.
PYRITE - Feel very protected, as Pyrite has long been valued as a strong protective stone that shields the wearer from negative energy and environmental pollution. Pyrite enhances strength of the mind and will power with its masculine energy. Often used to attract abundance and prosperity in your life.
QUARTZ, BLUE (DUMORTIERITE) - Dumortierite is a stone of the mind and of confidence. It is a stone whose energies tap into and strengthen the bearer’s mental acuity and memory - especially in those areas related to Math and Language. By sharpening focus and acuity this stone can help strip self doubt and heighten the bearer’s ability to stand up for themselves. Comes in a wide variety of colors from red/brown - violet/blue - dark blue with the dark blue the most common.
QUARTZ, CLEAR - Tumbled quartz, a stone highly valued for its spiritual and energetic qualities, known for being able to absorb and store energy. Open yourself up to source and divine wisdom with this Quartz. Quartz is a master healer that will work on any condition, as well as amplifying and powering your intentions.
QUARTZ, ROSE - Rose Quartz is a gentle and warm stone that is of great use in love spells. Rose Quartz is like a bubble bath for your emotions. Many wonderful healing properties in this Quartz, including, love, forgiveness, phobias, fears, unconditional love, and guilt.
QUARTZ, SMOKY - Appearing as though smoke were captured in stone, Smokey Quartz is a beautiful crystal that offers a wonderful calming energy to those who need it. Smokey Quartz focuses on cleaning the human consciousness, detoxifying, fear, depression, negativity, and will bring calm.
RAINBOW FLUORITE - Fluorite is a mineral that comes in many colors with many wonderful properties. Fluorite may assist you with bone health, organ function, dexterity, balance, self-worth, new ideas and inspiration.
RAINBOW MOONSTONE - Rainbow Moonstone is a beautiful stone that embodies the feminine energy. May help with balance, harmony, hope, creativity, compassion, endurance, inner confidence, and to help strengthen intuition and psychic skills.
RED CALCITE - Calcite gemstone are believed to help you let go of the past, and move into the future. Also believed to assist with emotional healing, stimulate flow of energy, as well as release blockage from creativity, combat laziness and help to increase vitality. Each gemstone, has their own unique colors patterns, beauty and faults.
RED GOLDSTONE - Red Goldstone is one of the few synthetic stones used in energy work and magic. It's red color comes from copper crystal structures in the stone which makes it an excellent transmitter of energy. The unique crystalline glass that encases the copper acts as an insulator protecting the energy being channeled or focused from outside forces. Red Goldstone may help with ambition, courage, a positive attitude, stomach issues, and arthritis.
RED JASPER - Red Jasper is known to be a powerful stone of protection, courage and wisdom.
RED MALACHITE - Red Malachite also known as red banded Jasper is the stone of inner peace and boundary protection. When held it has the ability to put a protective shield around your aura. Great for protection from physical harm, connecting to mother earth, clarity, and service.
RED TIGER'S EYE - Red Tiger Eye is a stimulating stone helping support motivation, and a more active sex drive. It is also great for confidence, lethargy, vitality, passion, and will work with balancing the lower chakras.
RHODOCHROSITE - Rhodochrosite the stone of the compassionate heart. Assisting you in bringing love, compassion, true joy, healing old wounds, and unconditional love to self and others. Good for depression and self worth.
RHODONITE - Rhodonite is the rescue stone as its a powerful heart chakra healer! Rhodonite may also assist you with memory, arthritis, light sensitivity, throat infections, stress and mental unrest, forgiveness, compassion, fears, and anger.
ROSE QUARTZ - Rose Quartz is a gentle and warm stone that is of great use in love spells. Rose Quartz is like a bubble bath for your emotions. Many wonderful healing properties in this Quartz, including, love, forgiveness, phobias, fears, unconditional love, and guilt.
RUBY FUCHSITE - Ruby Fuchsite will help to clear any blockage of the Heart Chakra and fill the void with positive, loving energies. Ruby Fuchsite helps one to maintain an awareness of individuality, while also completely connecting with humanity as a whole. Use Ruby Fuchsite for transforming destructive, negative energies into positive, helpful ones. The combination of Ruby and Fuchsite helps to open and enhance psychic awareness. Laying with Ruby Fuchsite on the Third-Eye can awaken latent psychic abilities by opening up the Heart Chakra to receive information from the Third-Eye Chakra. Use Ruby Fuchsite when working with any healing modality as this stone will help to amplify the body's energy field.
RUBY HEXAGON - Chunky Rough Ruby Hexagon shape, believed to lend strength, vitality, nobility, help reduce lust, and increase sexual energy. Come in different hexagonal shape sizes, with natural flaws, blemishes, and imperfections. Many pieces include a triangle record keeper.
SELENITE, ORANGE - Orange Selenite connects us to the Earth & Moon energies, cleansing the sacral. Great for creativity, self-esteem & helps with electromagnetic pollution.
SELENITE, WHITE - selenite is sure to connect you with your upper chakras. Selenite may assist with protection, good luck, and it can clean, clear and open all chakras. Selenite can be placed next to other crystals and stones where it will amplify and purify the stones placed near it.
SERPENTINE - Serpentine makes an exceptional meditation stone as it enhances your spiritual exploration. It helps you to find inner peace. Serpentine may help calm and stabilize the mind, wisdom retrieval, memory of past lives, clearing all chakras, anxiety, fears, open up psychic abilities, and will help calm a restless mind. It is an earthing stone which opens up new pathways for Kundalini energy. This a great piece to pull out in your time of need
SHIVA LINGAM - Shiva Lingam tumbles stones, this powerful stone possesses a wonderfully positive vibration and energy that brings a state of purification and cleansing to those who use it. Shiva works to intensify vitality and prana through the body. Overall improves health and assist with unification of the masculine and feminine energies as one.
SHUNGITE - Shungite is said to be the "miracle stone" or "the stone of life", known for its incredible healing and protection properties, boost immune system, balancing mind and emotions, and activates the healing process within the body.
SMOKY QUARTZ - Appearing as though smoke were captured in stone, Smokey Quartz is a beautiful crystal that offers a wonderful calming energy to those who need it. Smokey Quartz focuses on cleaning the human consciousness, detoxifying, fear, depression, negativity, and will bring calm.
SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN - Obsidian is a naturally created glass. It is formed form volcanic lava which cooled too quickly for significant crystallization to occur. Snowflake Obsidian brings peace of mind and helps the stomach, sinuses, veins, bones and eyesight. Great for meditation, behavior problems, loneliness, blocks psychic attacks, and absorbs negative energy.
SODALITE - Sometimes mistaken for Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite is deep blue with beautiful veins that appear like captured lightning. Sodalite helps with high blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia, autism, good for ideas, endurance, communication, stabilizes emotions, clarifies perception and is great for meditation.
STRAWBERRY QUARTZ - Strawberry Quartz carries all the vibrations of Clear Quartz, with the additional attributes of universal love, understanding of purpose, and seizing the day. Strawberry Quartz has the ability to amplify intentions of love, gratitude and generosity, and can radiate those vibrations outward. Carrying Strawberry Quartz can be soothing and calming for someone who works in a fast-paced environment. Strawberry Quartz assists in bringing balance to the psyche, the emotions, and the subtle energy bodies. An important tool for new initiates on the spiritual path, Strawberry Quartz can help one to gain insights into one's persona and inspiration regarding how to improve on it. Strawberry Quartz is a great facilitator of gaining hidden knowledge.
SUNSTONE - Natural Sunstone seems to reflect the golden dazzle of the morning sun and is often used as a ritual or meditative focus for Sun or Fire energy. Sunstone helps you embody warmth, strength, and vitality. These are excellent stones to enhance creativity, heal the sacral chakra, leadership qualities, increase self worth and confidence, stimulating self-healing powers. Keep your chakras clear, cleansed, and joyful.
SUPER 7 - Super 7 consists of seven different powerful stones found together, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, goethite, lepidocrocite, rutile's . Many great benefits packed into these stones. consist of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile's.
TIGER'S EYE, BLUE - Tiger’s Eye is a popular stone for grounding., protection & energy shifting. Use it to help shed excess energies and find balance within and without, especially when you are going through difficult phases of life, or are seeking to help make a new transition as smooth as possible. Use this balance to help ease doubt and provide clarity and vision when you are making tough decisions.
TIGER'S EYE, RED - Red Tiger Eye is a stimulating stone helping support motivation, and a more active sex drive. It is also great for confidence, lethargy, vitality, passion, and will work with balancing the lower chakras.
TIGER'S EYE, YELLOW - Tiger Eye is within the Quartz family. The light reflects off the fibers in this stone giving it an appearance that its moving or changing. Tiger Eye may assist in new beginnings, intuition, fears, worries, depression and negativity, wealth, strength, and courage.
TOURMALINE, BLACK - Black Tourmaline resonates with the Earth energy, making this a powerful grounding tool. A top stone for protection as it will absorb the negative energy on you or in your environment. Black Tourmaline is a receptive stone with association with the planet Saturn.
TOURMALINE, PINK - Known for emotional and spiritual healing. A thymus or heart based stone. Pink Tourmaline promotes joy, happiness, and love. Known to help emotions and moods, the passion of living.
UNAKITE - Unakite is composed of a mixture of Pink Feldspars, Green Epidote, and Quartz, making this a multipurpose stone. Unakite helps resolve conflict, loosens constrictions, balancing, aches and pains, self-worth issues, emotional blocks, focus on the present, and great for pregnancy and fertility.
WHITE SELENITE - selenite is sure to connect you with your upper chakras. Selenite may assist with protection, good luck, and it can clean, clear and open all chakras. Selenite can be placed next to other crystals and stones where it will amplify and purify the stones placed near it.
YELLOW TIGER'S EYE - Tiger Eye is within the Quartz family. The light reflects off the fibers in this stone giving it an appearance that its moving or changing. Tiger Eye may assist in new beginnings, intuition, fears, worries, depression and negativity, wealth, strength, and courage.
ZEBRA AMBER - Zebra Amber is a visually stimulating stone that is super light and very unique. Is said to assist with balancing emotions, dissolving negativity, clearing the mind, good luck, fears, and helps with patients and wisdom.